What kind of images can you choose

Here are some tips for choosing the best image for your card:

  • Your image should contain the person’s head, shoulders and chest. These should fill the image as much as possible.
  • The further away the subject is, the more likely it is that your photo will be blurred or pixelated when printed.
  • Try to select a photo in which your subject is clearly visible in the background
  • Your image should be taken with good lighting, if possible.
  • Websites such as Facebook, Instagram or messaging services such as Whatsapp reduce the quality of images when storing them online. If possible, we recommend using the original photo (from the phone or camera).
  • The same applies to the use of screenshots and images received via Whatsapp or any other messaging platform. Please try to use the original file where possible.
  • Do not use scanned images.
  • Do not take pictures of physical images and use them.
  • If you did not take the photo, you can always ask the person who did to send you the original file via email, Telegram or another system that does not compromise the quality.

If we notice that your image is of poor quality, we will try to get in touch with you. But we cannot guarantee it.

The image you provide is very unlikely to be perfect unless it was taken with extremely professional high-end equipment. Our papers are printed in extremely large formats and it will not be possible to keep the images sharp at all times.

We will do our best with the image you provide, but providing a suitable photo remains your responsibility.

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