Frequently asked questions

Read the most frequently asked questions before contacting us. You may already find the answer!

Absolutely not, we encourage you to read these photo tips to provide us but the background removal and graphic layout work is done by our graphic designers.

Since this is not a standard product that is already in stock at the time of purchase, the time needed to produce the badge takes between 2 and 5 working days, plus the time needed for delivery. STANDARD and EXPRESS shipping is available on the site.
In the event of delivery problems, it is recommended to refer directly to the assistance provided by the courier company by communicating the tracking code of the order.

Payment can be made by credit card, through PayPal or by bank transfer.

Bank transfer payable to Goolbook S.r.l.
Reason: Sp-cards Order [NUMERO D’ORDINE]

Banca Unicredit SPA
IBAN: IT54S0200801046000104381305

Unfortunately, the type of product and processing does not allow us to accept payment on delivery or cash on delivery.

Each card can only and exclusively contain one subject.

Our products are printed directly onto 5 mm black FOREX

There are two formats available on the site, these are the sizes:
Large = 29.5cm x 42.5cm x 0.5cm
Small = 21cm x 30.5cm x 0.5cm

The cards already have a slot on the back for hanging them

The cards are delivered by couriers referring to third-party companies over which we have relative control. We do our best to protect the cards during delivery but unforeseen events can happen.
In the event of total or partial breakage by the courier, our company will be responsible for making a new card. In this case, the breakage is the responsibility of the user.

Photos are used exclusively for the production of the product and then deleted. More information can be found on the data protection page.

Unfortunately, to sell a product with a football club logo requires commercial agreements and licences. It is therefore not currently possible to insert football team logos.

Once the card has been handed over to the courier, we will do our best to assist you in case of inefficiency by reporting and opening tickets, but it is not possible for us to solve the problem completely.

Contact us

If you have any questions or needs, please do not hesitate to write to us on whatsapp. 
Our customer service is available Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.